Archive | November 2015

The Day of Discovery

When it was the day of discovery, I was so excited to see what we were going to do. I couldn’t wait until I got there! So what I did was, I got up in the morning and got my backpack all ready.

Then when we got there, we saw real stuffed animals, and the park ranger told us all about it.

Then this girl called Sacagawea came out with a staff to lead us. In our class we learned about her, and then we found out that she wrote the letter on the board.

We went to the worship waterfall, and we painted. We were blowing a flute and were writing there.

When we first got to the lunch, we saw Mr. Huebner take apart a squirrel, and we saw its guts and heart. We ate two squirrels and turkey. There was even bear meat! My favorite food was wild turkey.

We went on this path, and there’s a little hideout. It’s where a waterfall is, and it’s called the worship falls. The most thing I liked about the trip was when we went to the worship falls because you’re sitting right in front of the waterfall. You hear the waterfall, but you can’t hear anyone else. It’s peace and quiet.





This entry was posted on November 10, 2015. 2 Comments