
Big Super Family Adventure!

You can see the place in New Hampshire by a big school and by houses.  It has a whole bunch of stuff.  You should come visit the park.

You should go to the park because it has lots to do.  The park has monkey bars, rock wall, and a lot of equipment.  There are picnic tables there if you want to eat there too.  There is also a big field if grownups want to run.

You should visit the park because you can bring anyone you want.  You can have family fun.

So have a nice time at the park with your family.  I would go back if I were you.

Green Jumpy Poem

I hear the swirling trees

and the weeping wind.

I hear the buzzing bees

And the dusting dirt.

I see the crazy flowers

And the green trees.

I feel the hot, popping weather.

I feel the whirling sounds.


Lucy Gets Lost

One day Lizzy was playing with her puppy Lucy in the yard.  They were playing fetch and Lizzy excitedly threw the ball really far.  Lucy went to get it, but she never came back!

So Lizzy started to worry.  She called everyone in her town, even the police.

Then Lizzy got a call from a person in the park.  Lizzy got Lucy back to her home, and Lizzy was so happy that Lucy was found!  Lizzy made some cookies for the people she called who looked for her puppy.

Mittens the Kitten

***Mittens the Kitten

(a peacemaking play created for our chapel)

(Chairs moved to make cat cage.)

Scene one:

Molly:  Let’s get the big cat.

Jonathan:  First, we have to get the stuff for the kitten, and then we can bring it home.

Mittens:  Mowwwwww!

Molly:  Let’s just get that kitten instead.


Scene two:  At the Pet Store

Molly:  We need cat food, a cat bowl, and a harness and leash.

Jonathan:  Don’t you think that is too much to give?

Molly:  And one more thing, a sweater!


Scene three:  Get in a Fight

Jonathan:  I think that is too much to get, and most of the stuff that you got was what YOU wanted.  If I don’t get what I want to get for the kitten, then I’m not getting the kitten and we BOTH don’t get it!


Scene four:

Molly:  I’m sorry I was hogging all the stuff.

Jonathan:  I’m sorry I said mean things to you.

Molly:  I have a great idea!  Maybe I could get something and you could get something for the kitten.

Jonathan:  Okay.  Let’s get the stuff AND the kitten.


All:  Ephesians 4:29  “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

Colonial Trades: Tailor

I am the tailor.  My name means art of cutting.  I make shirts, stockings, hats, capes, and pants.  Some tailors make hunting coats, great coats, wrapping gowns, and banyans.  In the time, boys had to wear stays until they were three or four.  Most tailors didn’t sell fabric, so other people had to go get or make fabric and then give it to the tailor.  Some people put garters on  to keep their stockings up.  To make your own, you need needle, cloth, and string.  So come to my store, and I’ll make you something!



I hear blowing wind,

The stream flowing,

The trees moving,

The cars on the road.

I feel the brown squishy mud,

The rocky ground.

I see the brown, barky wood on the trees,

And the leaves on the trees.

I see the rain tumbling down.

I see, hear, and feel a lot of brown things.