Archive | May 2016

Panning for Gold at MVCS

If I were alive in 1849, I would keep panning for gold.  I would buy a ship because I think it’s faster, and you can live on it while you go.  Since I went panning for gold, I could use my gold for a ship and food.  I would maybe get a horse and wagon to use.  If I ran out of gold, I would find if there are other rivers that have gold.  I would get some there instead of going all the way back to the east.  I would try to buy some clothes with my money.  I would get other stuff that I would need to live with so I could settle in California.


This entry was posted on May 23, 2016. 2 Comments

Our Object Lesson Chapel

Jesus Saves!


Ma: Jesus died for our sins, and He rose from the grave!


Mo: We want to always remember what He did for us to save us, so we are going to make a little snack to remind us of what He did.


Ma: We are giving you a cup with your supplies. You are going to make the marshmallow into the cross of Jesus by pushing the four pretzels in gently like this. (Show.)


Mo: Now you are going to gently lay the little gummy bear on top of your cross to represent Jesus making the sacrifice for you. (Show.)


Ma: You may eat your snack while you listen. We want to always remember that when we had a terrible sin problem and could not rescue ourselves, Jesus died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins. He was buried, and He rose again in victory over sin and death! What a Savior!


Ma and Mo: Verse Poster.


Ma: So what did you learn today? (Have them read the poster with you. Death is swallowed up in victory!)




Summer Girl’s Personal Rock

On my rock, it’s like you can see sparkles in it!  It is gray and a little bit white.  I think it might be metamorphic.

Rock Haiku

You are really hard

Glittery, strong, smooth, silky

You are a nice rock

Book Share: Magic School Bus

I read Magic School Bus by Jeanette Lane.  This book is about the magic school bus.  As you see, I have been writing a book report about the magic school bus.  You know how some teachers are crazy?  Well, this teacher is so crazy that you know how it’s called the magic school bus?  Well, the bus shrinks, and they went into a very spooky place.

I liked this book because the Friz always has great ideas and great adventures that always take you someplace.